Friday, October 31, 2008

happy halloween!

My first time celebrating halloween with friends!!
lets party!!
enjoy my pics~~XD

Vampire?Witch?or killer?

i love my friends~~!!

Andy and I

With ppl i don't know!!
they look cool!!

me with benny with yukiko's broom!!

Me with zombie!!..erm..i forgot his name again..

Us again!

3 dont know what!!

is time to party!!

Yukiko the witch and blurgal the killer?

me with birthday gal!!
cream night!hahas

our whisky?
party time!

yukiko, ocean, may and me

with honey

my family!

i have a great halloween night
and we also help yukiko celebrate birth!!
We truely finish our party and games at own flat
at 4.50am!!

- Stay Tune -

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